
Help Needed

I want to share a super awesome story! My hard-working man has been putting in some extra long, grueling hours trying to wrap up some major projects around The Barn. Monday he was singing "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" and it surely was. He pushed through. Tuesday he started with a low tank, but he climbed the scaffolding and got to work, nearly completing all the new siding on the front of the house to the gabled roof.
Early afternoon, he comes in and I know he's wiped out bc I hear it in the rasp of his voice. He croaks out, "I told God I need help." I'd been telling him for weeks months that he needs FRIENDS because his wife and daughter aren't thrilled about manual labor. In our defense we HAVE put in a lot of sweat equity and heavy lifting too. Anyway, I told him "You're done for the day! Remember the heatstroke?!" So he goes to take a shower.
My niece and Olivia were in the front yard pulling weeds for their nanny when they came barreling into the house, locking doors and shutting down the garage. "There's a man with a wheelbarrow walking up the driveway." We live in the country and we seldom have unexpected visitors. I ran to the bathroom door and told Scott to throw his clothes on. The door bell rings. I tell the man, "One moment."
Scott goes to the door and I hear them chatting it up. He comes back inside with the man's cell phone number. This stranger showed up (sent by God as an answer to Scott's prayer) is looking for work and used to be employed by none other than The Home Depot. Are you kidding me? A lot of people that we see out here in the country are what we endearingly call "Meth-billies." This term came from a retired Sheriff Deputy. This stranger appeared clean. Desperate, but not drugged.
So, we decided we'd call him and offer him a job starting at 8:30 (today). The man showed up. On time. Ready to work. They are out there working right now. Scott will hire him tomorrow too. I am so overjoyed that the Lord sent help to my husband. He cares about our needs and He is our strength and help!
Hard at Work.